Monday, 2 June 2014

Outfit Post: Embroidered dress and ombre hair

Hello again, thanks for the lovely feedback on my last blog post, I'm really trying to get back into the swing of things. Now that I have finished uni for this year, I have found that I have a little extra cash to finally buy a few items I've been after for a very long time. I first spotted chunky platform sandals in Company magazine and have been searching for a pair ever since. I wanted ones that had quite a bit of height (seeing as I'm so short) and I thought white was quite a different and interesting colour for shoes (I was tempted to go for black, but these are more striking). There was no way I could afford the pairs I'd seen in Topshop, and the ones from New Look weren't high enough, so I found these on eBay and at a very affordable price! Aren't they gorgeous? They also look pretty cute with socks too. 
I found this dress on Depop and got it for a bargain at £7! I think I'm getting better at guessing my size online. The white flowers are embroidered on, and although it's actually a smock dress, I like to add a belt to give it a bit more shape. I have been wearing it so much recently!

Dress - Depop / Hat - Topshop / Belt - New Look (old) / Shoes - eBay

Also, I've dyed my hair ombre again. It's a lot longer since the last time I did it, but I couldn't wait for the sun to give me my golden highlights so I just went ahead and did it myself. I wish I could dye all of my hair blonder, but my silly allergies won't let me, so let's just hope the sunshine does its magic. 

A little update, I've been very busy helping out with exhibitions / being an awesome girlfriend. This weekend I was at Oxford watching the rowing and stayed in 5 star hotel! I'll also be moving out of London in the next week or so, but still travelling back up occasionally to visit my boyfriend/friends/sports team, and I have many birthdays coming up so I have some organising to do. 

Until next time ♥

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

I'm back!

Nothing like a cheesy selfie to let you all know I'm still alive. Hello bloggers, I hope you remember me, last time I uploaded on here I was few weeks into my uni course. Fast forward about 8 months to now, and I have finally got the time to blog again, now that I've finished my course - it's gone so fast!

So much has happened this year, I specialised in jewellery, footwear, and fashion accessories (JFFA) at Central Saint Martins for my foundation year, and got accepted into BA Jewellery Design at CSM, so it looks like I'll be staying in London for another 3 years (Yay!). I've also got a boyfriend, James, we met at our sports team (Ultimate frisbee, a very cool sport by the way) and have been together for just over 6 months now. He studies illustration, and having an arty boyfriend really is great! This year has been my first year living on my own, I've become a lot more independent and confident in some aspects, but also less confident in others. I have struggled a little with body confidence, my weight, and making friends, but on the other hand I am really loving being able to lead my own life. 

Since living in London I have been able to mix with some very different, and interesting people, making me more confident with what I wear, and daring to wear things I wouldn't if I was still at home. What's nice is there is no pressure to dress a certain way, or stick to a certain style, so I've had a bit of fun this year. It's funny, I don't think I look like I've changed that much since September except I have longer hair and sometimes wear less makeup.

Demin shirt - Boyfriend's / Navy shirt - East End Thrift Store / Skirt - Charity shop / Daisy hair clip - handmade.

I hope I can keep up with blogging again (I might give this blog a good thorough makeover), I really struggled with time management this year, and uni work always had to come first. However I did manage to start a Tumblr for all the little arty things I've been up to outside of uni. Also I have my end of year exhibition starting tomorrow until Saturday so I might post some photos of my work eventually. 

It's great to be back.
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