Sunday, 7 July 2013

I'm disappearing again...

Hey everyone, I know blogging's been slow again recently, but I just want to let you know I'm going on a road trip to North Wales with the besties for a week. I'd hoped to have had a blog post ready for when I go away but been busy packing and running errands. Anyway, I will definitely take lots of photos and we're bring a camera recorder so hopefully make a little video montage of the trip, it's going to be the best holiday ever!
Until next time xx

P.s. as soon as I get back I'll have to start planning my birthday, which also happens to be my blog birthday too so I'll sort out a little giveaway to celebrate!


  1. Have a lovely time away! Cant wait to see the post when your back! And thank you for your comment! I adore Nick and Jess too i had like that fluttery feeling when they kissed it was so perfect i nearly cried haha! x

  2. Have a great time! look forward to the blog post all about it. take lots of pictures, you will have so much to write when you are back x :-)

  3. I miss your lovely posts <3

  4. Thanks girlies! I'm back now :) xxx


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Pop back again soon!

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