Saturday, 13 July 2013

Birthday Wish List

It's my 18th birthday in a matter of days so I've put together this wonderful (an unrealistic) wish list. I know that I am definitely getting one or two if these items because I was with my mum when she bought them for me, but they've been tucked away until my birthday. I've had my eye on some of these things for a while and I'm hoping to get them with any birthday money I get.

1. I tried this out in the shop and it works like a dream! Plus it smells delicious.
2. I am crazy about backpacks and love the detail on this leather one.
3. Recently I've really been into map and globe prints and I like the combination with the leather strap.
4. I love the handmade look of this ring and it's unique design.
5. Another Datter ring, I really like the detail in this ring.
6. Combining my love of butterflies and accessories.
7. I would love to own a polaroid camera one day, and I'm really into the look and magic of instant photos.
8. For the days when I want to be Lana Del Rey.
9. This etsy shop has the most beautiful flower crowns with gorgeous detail.
10. Forever searching for the perfect summer hat.
11. Eager to try a smock dress (perhaps with a small belt) and this one is adorable! Too bad it's currently sold out.
12. I have fallen in love with tiny, delicate silver rings and this moonstone ring looks so beautiful especially with the details.

I have plenty more blog posts lined up, and I've also written a guest post for Georgia from For The Love Of Thrift, check it out here.

P.s. Thanks for the comments on my recent little blog post, I had an amazing holiday and can't wait to share the photos and tell you all about it!


  1. I know where you can find the perfect hat
    Georgia xx

    1. Ooh thanks, I spotted this on your blog just after I'd done this post :P I really should have looked on eBay in the first place haha xx

    2. Thanks for mentioning my blog too and your post was such a joy to read and I fell in love will all the dresses! I'd also love a Polaroid camera going to try save up some money to buy my own I think xx

    3. No problem, it was fun to write and find all the dresses :) The problem with polaroids is that once you save up for the camera, you then have to save up and find the film, I can't seem to find them anywhere other than The Impossible Project.

    4. Yeah that is true! You probably try get some of Amazon or ebay? xx

    5. Will do, just wish it wasn't all so expensive :3

  2. Oh that dress is adorable- I love the sleeves! It looks quite simple to make; you should give it a go!

    1. That's a good idea! Although I'm not very good at making the top half of the dress :3

  3. This is a lovely wishlist, the smock dress is so sweet it's a shame it's sold out! There's some lovely ones on Asos at the moment though. I'm borrowing a friend's Instax Mini next week for a week or so, I've ordered 40 films and I cannot wait to use it :) I do think it will just make me want my own even more though! xx

    1. Oh really? I'll check it out thanks :) Where did you/your friend get the film from? xx

  4. Love your wishlist! I want everything on there too!
    Especially love the backpack, dress and the floral crowns of course (:

    The Craziest Paradigm - a 'lil bit of rust & stardust

    1. Thanks, they're all super pretty aren't they? :)

  5. love your wishlist. i love that wrist watch especially!
    hope you'll have your wish come true :)

  6. Ooh what does number 1 do? It looks so pretty!
    I love the idea of a birthday wish list post - it's my birthday in September and I really need to think of what I want!

    Isabella x

    1. Number one is a lib scrub from Lush, I tried it out and it really works and smells of delicious popcorn. If you click on the pink number one in the description it's a link to the site :)

  7. Love the watch and the flower crowns!xx

  8. I love the satchel and watch! :)

  9. that watch is the sweetest! i really need some more flower crowns in my life. And that dress is so pretty. xxx


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